Upcoming Runs
DISCLAIMER: READ AND HEED!!! NYUK, NYUK, NYUK!!! NEED SUGGESTIONS AND HARES FOR RUNS. IF HARING FOR FIRST TIME ANY HOUND THAT HAS HARED CAN HARE RAISE! If you have an idea for a good run and would like help with it or have previously hared and want to raise a new hare contact PigF*cker with your run info and when you would like to do it and we will do our best to accommodate your request. We will only cancel in cases of extreme weather (ie. blizzards, torrential rain, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc...) but not much will stop us. When in doubt call contacts on the Mismanagement Page. BASHes are bicycle hashes and unless otherwise stated are not walker, runner (unless marathoner) or pet friendly, SORRY. To contact the Web Master about upcumming runs or anything else please e-mail PigF*cker This page last updated Decembeer 9, 2024 |