Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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Is it possible to be totally partial?
"Cool hash page"
December 2002

Halve Mein Hash House Harrier's Disclaimer

I, state your name, being of half a mind and questionable body, realizing that Hash running may be hazardous to myself, small children, family pets, marriages, buildings, parked as well as some moving vehicles, trees, plants, and vegetables, shall not hold the Halve Mein Hash House Harrier's known herein and furthermore as HMHHH, responsible for injuries incurred due to my ability or lack thereof, illness, dehydration, spontaneous nudity, lack of sleep, pregnancy, STD's, illness due to mass consumption, injury or death. And furthermore I will not hold HMHHH responsible for being lost on trail even when the trail is so horribly laid that a bloodhound chasing couldn't find true trail to save its own life, and even though the trail is so long that a marathon runner winces when thinking about running such distances, and even though there is so much shiggy on trail that an alligator would feel at home, and even though there are so many hills that a mountain goat feels at home, and even though the whole course could have been short-cutted by walking 100 yards across the park, I shall not bicker, complain or whine incessantly, else wise I can expect to receive the HASHIT and to be named or renamed in a most heinous way as to cause ridicule upon myself at the mere whisper of the name.


Halve Mein Hash House Harriers, Established 2000. All Rights Reserved. @@