Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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Does fuzzy logic tickle?
"Cool hash page"
December 2002

Days of the Week Song

Leader: Today is Monday!
All: Today is Monday!
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)

Leader: is everybody happy?
All: You bet your ass we are!
All: (raise cups over heads and make one complete turn while humming) Da da dut da da, da da dut da da

Leader: Today is Tuesday!
All: Today is Tuesday!
Leader: Tuesday is two finger day! (fingering motion)
All: Tuesday is a finger day! (fingering motion)
Leader: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)
All: Monday is a wanking day! (wanking motion)


(now that you've got the idea, here are the rest of the days)

Wednesday is a hmmmm day! (stick tongue between 2nd & 3rd fingers)
Thursday is a drinking day! (raise glass in salute)
Friday is a fucking day! (humping motions, cheering, happiness)
Saturday is a hashing day! (running motions, cheering, happiness)
Sunday is a day of rest (low key, almost quiet)

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