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Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?
"Cool hash page"
December 2002


The ringadangdoo, pray what is that?
Fur all around, like a pussycat,
It's got a hole in the middle,
And it's split in two,
That's what they call the ringadangdoo.

I once knew a girl, her name was Jean,
The sweetest girl I'd ever seen,
She loved a boy who was straight and true,
Who longed to play on her Ringadangdoo.

So she took him to her father's house,
And crept inside as quiet as a mouse,
And they shut the door and the window too,
And he played all night on her Ringadangdoo.

The very next day her father said,
"You've gone and lost your maidenhead!
You can pack your bag and suitcase too,
And bugger off with your Ringadangdoo."

So she went to town and became a whore,
And hung a red light outside her door,
And one by one and two by two,
They came to play on her Ringadangdoo.

There came to that town a son of a bitch,
Who had the pox and the seven-year itch,
He had gonorrhea and syphilis too
So that was the end of her Ringadangdoo.

Halve Mein Hash House Harriers, Established 2000. All Rights Reserved. @@