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So, two people is a Twosome and three people is a Threesome. Now I understand why people call you "handsome"
"Cool hash page"
December 2002

My Shaft of Fire

By: Sperm Bank, Stickley Bunz, THFKAD of the Halve Mein HHH
Where: NYS Thruway, en route to Ithaca HHH "Back to Camp" Weekend.
When: Friday, September 12th, 2003

With apologies to the late, great Johnny Cash.

Once I knew a girl
For fifty bucks, she'd rock my world
She went to Cornell
Tuition's high, her cunt she'd sell

And she went down, down, down, upon my shaft of fire
Down, down, down, with lips of pure desire
And I went spurt, spurt, spurt
My shaft of fire, my shaft of fire

Then, I went down on her
Between her thighs, some downey fur
A recent toss with a past lover
Made her taste like used rubber

And I went down, down, down, upon her ring of fire
Down, down, down, deep in her vaginer
And she came, came, came
Her ring of fire, her ring of fire

Soon, she mounted me
Her tits were swinging free
We played her favorite game
She screams her Daddy's name

And we fucked, fucked, fucked, upon this bed of fire
Fucked, fucked, fucked this girl that was for hire
And then we slept, slept, slept
Cause we were tired, yes we were tired


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