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Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?
"Cool hash page"
December 2002

Oh Doctor, Please

By: Sperm Bank, Stickley Bunz, Bodsa, & THFKAD of the Halve Mein HHH
Where: En route to Harrisburg-Hershey "Stinko De Mayo" Weekend.
When: Friday, May 7th, 2004

Tune: O, Christmas Tree

O, Doc I've got a failing cock
It's more like jello than a rock
I've tried to get it really stiff
I've rubbed and stroked and twisted it
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery

I have for you an elixer
Cialis will help you fuck her
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery

O, Doc I've got an open sore
Makes oral sex a nasty chore
My partners run away from me
A blistering sore is all they see
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery

I have Famvir so now they'll lick
The part of you that once was sick
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery

O, Doc I've got a bad migraine
The trail just sucked, it was a pain
The shiggy was about the worst
And now my's head's about to burst
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery

If you pop a Relpax soon,
You'll be drinking beer by noon
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery

O, Doc I've got a rotting cock
It's pretty close to falling off
I'm not the man I used to be
It hurst so badly when I pee
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery

For you I have some Leviquin
Soon you'll be back commiting sin
O, Doctor, please prescribe for me
A drug to cure my misery


If you have anything to add, send a note to

Halve Mein Hash House Harriers, Established 2000. All Rights Reserved. @@