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Do hungry crows have ravenous appetites?
"Cool hash page"
December 2002

Halve Mein Hash 446 - January 11, 2014 - Troy, NY

What: 446 Screw Year Hash
When: Saturday, January 11, 2014
Where: Troy, NY
Hare: DeciBelle
Scribe: DeciBelle

Hounds: DeciBelle, Moans Aloan, Crack Slipper, Willy Wanker, Dirtbag, Lubricunt

Hares - Dirtbag, Willie, Moans
FRB - Dirtbag, Willie
DAL - Crack Slipper
No hash shit
FBI - DeciBelle

Trail almost did not happen, it was a warm wet day. The pack met at hash standard time in Troy. The taps were flowing freely and the rain was coming down. Did the pack want to leave the comforts of the bar stool. Well we are hashers so we said YES - the pack followed the creed of "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these hashers from the swift completion of their trail to the appointed rounds of beer."

As a pick up hash Dirtbag took the first leg of trail and with a glint in his eye in the town of Troy - he did not go near the river he went up, and then up some more and some more. After the pack climbed what seemed to be forever and ever we finally started to head (head who said head) back down to the river - where we could smell the beer check. The pack then went down - on feet, on ares, on all fours... what ever it took not to go down head first. We avoided the ice just to find the grass turned into mud. It was a mud slide down the hill.

At this point Dirtbag was captured by the sneaky Willie who tackled him in a snowbank and grabbed the bag of flour and headed off towards the beer - The pack could hear Willie yelling 'no more hills', but little did he know it was Troy - there are only hills in Troy.

As the pack headed into beer check the visibility was so bad that we needed fog horns instead of whistles to be able to find our way. The fog was so thick that we got out our machete to cut our way through it.

Beer check was a small dry spot under a bridge - where we found that the pack was wet to the core. There was much discussion if we would circle than or continue with the trail. Again the creed was chanted and the pack was off - this time following Moans A Loan.

Monas took the pack along the river - for she love the sound of water and feels safe looking at boats. She saw one down river and ran the pack right to it! The pack however noticed a parking garage and had to run around it, though it, up one side of it and down the other till the pack realize the hare just ran past it. Oh silly pack not every hare runs into a parking garage. The pack than picked up the sight of the wet soggy marks on mail boxed and trash cans and realize that the hare liked the postal boxes and offices.

Circle - the usual down downs were given,
Hares, contributed to trail - ran trail - Social!
Back Sliders - Crack slipper, Lubercunt
Getting laid today - Dirtbag

The on in was back at Dino BBQ where the pack tried to recruit the waitress. She did not seem to run away even after she was shown why a kilt is a kilt - she just stared in AWW - that it was so small.


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