Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?
"Cool hash page"
December 2002

Jingle Bell Run Hash Trash

Hash Trash Run 13

Hares: F4, Rookie Nookie

Date: Dec 23, 2000

Another beautiful day for a hash. Sunny and 20 degrees. Not bad for December in NY. The hares were the insatiable F4 and her no-name sister at the time Heather. After a quick warm-up with eggnog and rum the hares were away. The pack waited the allotted time and started their run. After a slow start the pack finally started hitting a lot of good trail and were making good progress. One of the hounds was flagged down by a passerby in a car to ask what we were doing. After telling him what we were doing he seemed intrigued and told the hound that he was a reporter for the local paper and would like to do a story on the hash. The hounds continued the run and unwittingly almost caught up with the hares. I guess we really need to keep our eyes out for the hares and what they are wearing. Oh well, missed chance this time, better luck next time. The run was over and the gang gathered at the start again for a well laid A to A run. FRB was FLG. DAL was Sugar Mama and the Hashit remained with you know who. He received it for telling Sugar Mama that they would come in together, but at the last second he ran ahead of Sugar Mama to leave her as DAL. Someday he will learn proper etiquette and follow through with his promises. We had two namers for this run, they were NN Heather, who was named Rookie Nookie due to her tender age, and NN Don, who was named The Hasher Formally Known as Don, due to his complete lack of anything else to call him. Our reporter friend followed us to the finish and found out more info on the hash and told us the next time we ran in Glens Falls to give him a call and he would do a story on us. More to come on this.

Until later On-On and "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"


Stand-in Scribe and perpetual GM

Halve Mein Hash House Harriers, Established 2000. All Rights Reserved. @@