Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."
"Cool hash page"
December 2002

South Glens Falls Hash Trash

Hares: Pigvomit, No-name Sarah Thomas

August 20, 2000

It was the sixth run for the HMHHH. The On-On was at Tanglewood Elementary School in South Glens Falls. Pigvomit and No Name Sarah were the hares and it’s safe to say no shaggin’ occurred on this run. (Much to No Name Sarah’s dismay) The hashers were Dirtbag, Sugar Mamma, Flip Top Fag, No Name Jeremy, and No Name Brian. Among these fine losers we had a virgin hasher, Uncle Tom and two visiting hashers, Pop Top and Touch Down Jesus. Pop Top is from Orange County HHH and Touch Down Jesus is a law student and is going to be a new hasher to HMHHH (G.M. note: We hope!). Pigvomit likes the thought of scoring a "Touch Down" with a certain visiting hasher. (Sorry Pop Top). (G.M. note: Latent tendencies on Pigvomits part)

After the 40 minute run (G.M. note: including 15 minute wait, way short) there was "much rejoicing" with a pool, BBQ, beer and plenty of it and best of all, Dirtbag, what a tease with those hands. This had to be the best Down-Down to me. (The best out of two that is.) At the Down-Down the award for FRB went to Flip Top Fag, while the award (a crutch-introduced by Pigvomit) for DAL went to Uncle Tom. Uncle Tom was Alouette and proved that size doesn’t matter. (That’s for sure, just ask Pigvomit) Dirtbag was "happy" (as shown by the sudden oversized "bulge") to pass on the Hashit to Flip Top Fag for failure to participate in the clothing check.

A naming committee was quickly convened for our FIVE time runner, Brian Nilsen. It took all of about 2 min. to come up with the best fitting name for Brian. Due to his grooming habits, or lack there of, Brian will now be known as "PUBIC CHIN". Perhaps Pubic Chin will sign up for "Grooming Yourself 101" with professor No Name Sarah, who has an A+ in "Advanced Self Grooming".

"How Deep Can you Go" the latest competition added to the Down-Down was a tie between Sugar Mamma and No Name Sarah (who both were more adept at swallowing Dirtbag’s long, hard whistle than Touch Down Jesus who couldn’t get past the tip. Tip: Practice makes perfect.

Until the next hash!

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!

No Name Sarah

Hash Scribe

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